Relieving the Burden of In-Person Interviewing With a Completely Customized Virtual Interview


Relieving the Burdens of In-Person Interviewing With a Completely Customized Virtual Interview

Learnings from University of Nebraska Medical Center Physical Therapy

UNMC PT Webinar Registration

What You’ll Learn

  • A new approach to interviewing that amplifies convenience for your interviewers, applicants, and admissions team
  • How to easily implement holistic admissions with an affordable alternative for interviewing
  • How a structured interview customized to your unique process can help achieve program goals


maggie winnicki unmc

Maggie Winnicki, MPH

Director of Enrollment Management & Student Affairs UNMC College of Allied Health Professions
sara bills unmc pt

Sara E Bills, PT, DPT, GCS

Associate Director, Division of Physical Therapy Education UNMC College of Allied Health Professions
kana shishikura kira talent

Kana Shishikura

Client Success Manager Kira Talent