Graduate Management Education

More efficiently enroll an employable cohort

Identify applicants with the skills and traits to be successful in both your program and the workplace through custom assessments designed to save you time
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Trusted by more than 300 universities  and 1100+ programs

undergrad reviewer services
Reviewer Services

Applicant insights
delivered exactly 
when you need them

Make more defensible admissions decisions with applicant insights delivered by a team of professional reviewers on your timeline
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“With Kira, our recruitment and admissions process is stronger. We're able to do a better job yielding our admitted students because we're spending less time on the interview management, giving us more time to focus on engaging applicants.”
Stacey Batas
Director of Admissions and Recruiting, McCombs School of Business

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Discover how other graduate management 
programs are using Kira Talent

Guaranteed success at every step

Completely customizable

The Kira platform provides the canvas for your custom content and design, allowing you to engage and evaluate applicants in a way that works best for your program.

Equitable evaluation

Ensure consistency in the way your team interviews and assesses applicants for non-cognitive competencies, helping them reduce bias and make defensible decisions.

Real-time analytics

At-a-glance dashboards allow you to track everything from inter-rater reliability analytics to applicant integrity metrics.

Best-in-class service

Your dedicated Client Success Manager provides hands-on support to ensure your team and your applicants are always set up for success.
“The number of interview reports that come back expressing serious English language concerns have decreased significantly since we implemented Kira, which means we’re saving ourselves hours of work scheduling and conducting those interviews.”

Laurel Grodman

Assistant Dean for Admissions,
Yale School of Management
“Using Kira, I can start reviewing applications earlier. 
It saves me time; I’m easily saving a week or two.”

Bruce Campbell

Director of Admissions,
Johns Hopkins University’s Carey Business School
“With Kira, we were able to go from about 1.5 hrs per application –which includes organization time, scheduling, reading the application, and actually conducting the interview – to around 10 minutes.”

Paula Amorim

Admissions Director,
IESE School of Business

Get started with Kira Talent

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